Roseville PONY Baseball RailCats Select - Spring Season |
Roseville PONY Baseball will be offering tryouts for the RailCats Select baseball program which generally runs from September through the PONY Nationals tournaments in July of the following year. There is no cost or obligation to try out for the program. The age divisions for the program are 8u, 9u, 10u, 11u, 12u, 13u, and 14u. If you have questions about the program, please contact Roseville PONY Baseball's League Player Agent at lpa@rosevilleponybaseball.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the RailCats?: The RailCats are the Select (competitive and traveling) program through Roseville PONY Baseball. These teams play a competitive schedule instead of the traditional recreation schedule.
What is the RailCats schedule?: Each RailCats team will begin practices soon after formation and play games and tournaments throughout the year.
Where do the RailCats play?: Home games will be held at fields owned and designated by the City of Roseville and away games will be played at locations throughout Northern California as well as other states depending on available tournaments.
Can kids play RailCats and recreational baseball?: No, the RailCats program is played instead of playing for a recreational team.
Is this travel ball?: Yes, however, the teams do have the ability to host games in Roseville at our home fields.
How much does this cost?: The same commitment as the recreation league. The registration fee covers registration, insurance, a portion of the uniform jerseys and hats, and fields. Each team will be financially responsible for tournament entry fees other than the PONY Nationals tournament (All-Stars).
What are the residency requirements?: All teams must have a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the players reside in the City of Roseville.
What is the difference between RailCats Select and RailCats Sunday Select? Select players play only for the competitive team and do not play in the recreational league. Sunday Select players participate in the recreational league and also practice on Sundays during the recreational season. Sunday Select players only participate in 1-2 tournaments a year, and they disband prior to the end of the regular recreational league's season.