Junior Umpire Program

Introducing young people to the craft of umpiring for Roseville PONY Baseball can be a creative and fun way to learn valuable leadership, responsibility, and accountability skills! 

Becoming a Jr. Umpire offers a way to grow self-esteem, gain work experience, and learn more about the game of baseball, in a fun and educational setting. All upper-division players are encouraged to participate as a way to improve their knowledge/respect for the game and to gain a healthy and valuable understanding of the vital role played by umpires through first-hand experience.


General Information


  •  Jr. Umpires must be a at least a league age 10-year-old before they can be considered for umpiring games and at least a league age 12-year-old to be a Behind-the-Plate Umpire for Roseville PONY Baseball. All interested Jr. Umpires are required to attend the Roseville PONY Baseball Jr. Umpire training before they can participate.
  • The Director of Umpires will send out a weekly schedule to available umpires via email. Scheduling is done through your Teamsideline account at www.rosevilleponybaseball.com
  • Pay will be distributed only after games have been completed. Arrangements should be made with the Director of Umpires to receive pay.
  • Pay - $30/game for field umpires and $40/game for Behind the Plate umpires


Umpire Training

All Junior Umpires are required to complete an Umpire Training Course given by a certified umpire for PONY Baseball. The time and date for the training for the 2025 season is TBD.

All Junior Umpire candidates should RSVP to the Director of Umpires for this event by completing the Junior Umpire Interest Form. Please complete a form for each child you are registering as a Junior Umpire.  There is no cost for the training.


Umpire Contact Information

Kris Johnson

Director of Umpires




**Important Notice**

Attendance to the training does not guarantee you will be selected to the Roseville PONY Baseball Jr. Umpire Program. All participants must demonstrate maturity and capability at the training before being added to the season calendar. All Jr. Umpires selected will also serve at the discretion/approval/ongoing supervision of the Director of Umpires and the Roseville PONY Baseball Board of Directors for the duration of the season.

Roseville PONY Baseball and its Director of Umpires reserve the right to remove any Jr. Umpire from the program for reasons of tardiness, poor performance, behavior issues, etc., if such actions prove to limit the effectiveness of the Jr. Umpire to serve in this important role.


Umpire Responsibilities

  • It is required to be at your assigned games 15 minutes before game time. 
  • Failure to show up at your assigned game may result in not being assigned future games. If you are unable to umpire an assigned game, you are responsible for finding a substitute and obtain approval from the Director of Umpires. It is recommended that you let the Director of Umpires know and schedule your substitute at least 2 days in advance. 
  • In the event of bad weather, it is your responsibility to go to the park and confirm that there is a game, unless you are informed by the Director of Umpires beforehand. You will not be paid for canceled games due to bad weather. If a game is started and then stopped due to bad weather, you will be paid.
  • Report any unsportsmanlike behavior from any manager, coach, player, or parent to the Director of Umpires immediately after the game. You may email or call this information in. 
  • All games have a drop dead time where no new innings can begin.  Please discuss the time limit with both managers during your pre-game meeting. 
  • Unless otherwise notified, you must show up at all forfeited games.  You will be paid for these games.
  • The umpire is responsible for keeping the game on schedule. Please make every effort to start on time and to keep the game moving. Please do not allow excessive warm-up time between innings. STAY ALERT and don’t chat between innings. 
  • If your umpire partner does not show up, report it after the game to the Director of Umpires. Pay rate for Junior Umpires who have to umpire alone for this reason is 1.5 times the pay rate.
  • Jr. Umpires may NOT umpire any siblings games.